Leo Conville, psychotherapist and counsellor
"What was hidden becomes revealed and what was obscure becomes accessible and clear"- John Welwood
Why therapy?
Psychotherapy can be a life-changing experience that helps you move through difficulties and into a more fulfilling life. It is a unique process where people explore and resolve their troubles in a setting that is totally confidential.
People come to therapy for a variety of reasons. Perhaps when anxiety and negative thinking are affecting your quality of life, or there are relationship issues, sometimes when compulsive behaviours or addictions are getting out of hand, or when the path to future fulfilment seems suddenly unclear.
Whatever brings you, psychotherapy considers that deeply ingrained issues or difficult moments are most effectively resolved with support.
How do I work?
Life struggles often contain unsuspected understanding or perhaps intentions. In therapy we aim to identify and integrate these more fully, allowing for new clarity and direction. It is a process that fosters a gradual release of any of the unhelpful aspects that are diminishing your life, and a reinvigoration of your more creative and life-enhancing resources.
I am an integrative therapist, which means I take more than one school of psychotherapy into account. Especially I draw upon Freudian, Jungian, and existential approaches. All my work is rooted in the understanding that we have the capacity to heal and grow and that psychotherapy is a powerful tool with which to engage in this process. My sessions are warm and friendly and designed to help you experience unexplored or unrecognized parts of yourself in order that you may create further healing, change and fulfilment for yourself.
Including but not limited to:
Anxiety/negative thinking
Loss of meaning/purpose
Addictions- (see addition section of the website).
Self-worth/ loss of confidence/shyness
Burn out/ work or family related stress
Relationship issues/ unhealthy relationship patterns
Social/emotional/romantic anorexia
Intimacy/trust issues
Obsessive behaviours
Coping with abuse
Life management/life blocks
Life changes/mid-life crisis/ageing
Emotional disturbance within families - control/impatience/anger/passive aggression
Parenting challenges
Creativity/work blocks
Trauma work
Dream work
Creative imagination work
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
Want to know more? Contact me to arrange an initial 20-minute consultation free of charge. This is a chance for us to have a conversation about why you are considering therapy and to answer any queries you may have.